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  3. [2019-04-10] Camp for Indian and Chinese students
News | 2019-04-10

Camp for Indian and Chinese students

IVL, together with Swedish institute, arranges the two-week SEK City Elite Scholarship Camp in Sweden for students from India and China. In the camp they will learn more about sustainable development.

“It is an opportunity to experience Sweden’s state-of-art environmental practices. IVL, as the leading environmental research institute in Sweden, has rich experiences in different fields of environment, including education for international corporates, decision makers, as well as the youth. Our ambition is to inspire the students in building eco-cities in their home countries”, says Aditi Bhasin, Project Manager, Business Development and Marketing at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. Learn about sustainability During the SEK City Elite Scholarship Camp, the students will learn how Sweden has managed to decouple carbon emissions from economic growth. They will learn about sustainable development goals, Swedish environmental technologies and sustainable urban development through workshops and study visits. Extensive trainings in waste, water and energy management will be held by leading environmental experts. Experience Swedish culture While the students learn about environmental development, they will also have a chance to experience Swedish culture with museum visits and cooking classes. The trainings and workshops will foster inter-cultural communication, innovation, and creativity through team building and group activities. The camp will be held from 10th to 22nd August 2019. Read more: 20 students from India and China go to Sweden