Publikationer från projektet Bortom BNP-tillväxt
Här hittar du publikationer, rapporter, debattartiklar och examensjobb inom ämnet, skrivet av projektets forskare, men även av andra författare.
Slutrapport för programmet Pdf, 19 MB. (2018)
Broschyr: Scenarier för Sverige 2050 Pdf, 3.5 MB.
Scenarier för hållbart samhällsbyggande bortom BNP-tillväxt Pdf, 13.2 MB. (2017)
Testversioner av scenarier Pdf, 15.9 MB. (2016)
Scenarieblad (kortversioner)
Cirkulär ekonomi i välfärdsstaten Pdf, 1.7 MB.
Kollaborativ ekonomi Pdf, 1.5 MB.
Lokal självförsörjning Pdf, 549.3 kB.
Automatisering för livskvalitet Pdf, 678.2 kB.
Artiklar i granskade tidskrifter
Real capital investments and sustainability - The case of Sweden
Alfredsson, E. C. & Malmaeus, J. M.,
Ecological Economics, Vol 161, pp 216-234, 2019
Actors in transition: shifting roles in Swedish sustainable housing development
Hagbert, P., Malmqvist, T.
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s10901-019-09695-7, 2019
Four low-carbon futures for a Swedish society beyond GDP growth
Fauré, E., Finnveden, G., Gunnarsson-Östling, U.
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 236, 2019
Governance and degrowth. Lessons from the 2008 financial crisis in Latvia and Iceland
Nyblom, Å., Isaksson, K., Sanctuary, M., Fransolet, A., Stigson, P.
Sustainability, 11(6), 2019
Energy, space, and movement : Toward a framework for theorizing energy justice
Hornborg, A.
Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 2019
Scenarios for sustainable futures beyond GDP growth 2050
Svenfelt, Å., Alfredsson, E.C., Bradley, K., Fauré, E., Finnveden, G., Fuehrer, P., Gunnarsson-östling, U., Isaksson, K., Malmaeus, M., Malmqvist, T., Skånberg, K., Stigson, P., Aretun, Å., Buhr, K., Hagbert, P., Öhlund, E.
Futures, Vol 111, p 1–14, 2019
Local Interpretations of Degrowth—Actors, Arenas and Attempts to Influence Policy
Buhr, K., Isaksson K., Hagbert P.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 1899, 2018
Transforming systems of consumption and production for achieving the sustainable development goals: moving beyond efficiency
Bengtsson, M., Alfredsson, E., Cohen, M., Lorek, S., Schroeder, P.
Sustainability Science, pp.1-15, 2018
Why achieving the Paris Agreement requires reduced overall consumption and production
Alfredsson,E., Bengtsson,M., Brown,H.S., Isenhour,C., Lorek,S., Stevis, D. & Vergragt, P.
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 2018
Climate target fulfilment in scenarios for a sustainable Swedish Built environment beyond growth
Francart, N., Malmqvist, T., Hagbert, P.
Futures, Volumes 98, pp.1-17, 2018
The Money-Energy-Technology Complex and Ecological Marxism: Rethinking the Concept of "Use-Value" to Extend Our Understanding of Unequal Exchange, Part 1 and 2.
Hornborg, A.
Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2019, p. 27-39, 2018
Planning for sharing: Providing infrastructure for citizens to be makers and sharers
Hult, A. & Bradley, K
Planning Theory & Practice, 18(4), 597-615, 2017
Prospects for economic growth in the 21st century: A survey covering mainstream, heterodox and scientifically oriented perspectives
Alfredsson, E. C. & Malmaeus, J. M.
Economic Issues, Vol. 22, Part 1, 2017
Potential Consequences on the Economy of Low or No Growth - Short and Long Term Perspectives
Malmaeus, J. M., & Alfredsson, E. C.
Ecologial economics, Vol. 134, pp.57-64, 2017
The magic of money and the illusion of biofuels: Toward an interdisciplinary understanding of technology
Hornborg, A.
The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 132, No. 82, 2017
How to turn an ocean liner: A proposal for voluntary degrowth by redesigning money for sustainability, justice, and resilience
Hornborg, A.
Journal of Political Ecology, Vol. 24, p. 623-632, 2017
Transitions on the home front: A story of sustainable living beyond eco-efficiency
Hagbert, P. & Bradley, K.
Energy Research and Social Science, Vol.31, pp.240-248, 2017
Methods for assessing future scenarios from a sustainability perspective
Fauré, E., Arushanyan, Y., Ekener, E., Miliutenko, S., Finnveden, G.
European Journal of Futures Research, 05:17, 2017
Four Sustainability Goals in a Swedish Low-Growth/Degrowth Context
Fauré,E.; Svenfelt,Å.; Finnveden,G.; Hornborg, A.
Sustainability, Vol.8 (11), p.1080, 2016
Ecologically unequal exchange and ecological debt.
Hornborg, A.; Martinez-Alier, J.
Journal of Political Ecology, Vol. 23, No. 1, p. 328-333, 2016
It’s Just a Matter of Adjustment: Residents’ Perceptions and the Potential for Low-Impact Home Practices
Hagbert, P.
Housing, Theory and Society, 2016, doi: 10.1080/14036096.2016.1141797
Bike Kitchens – Spaces for convivial tools
Bradley, K.
Journal of cleaner production, 197(2), 1676-1683, 2016
Economic Values and Resource Use
Malmaeus, M.
Sustainability, Volume 8, 2016
Post-capitalist ecologies: Energy, "value" and fetishism in the Anthropocene
Hornborg, A.
Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 27, No. 4, p. 61-76, 2016
Sustainable Development Goals for Cities
Finnveden, G. and Gunnarsson-Östling, U.
Urban Transitions Symposium, Joint Program Initiative Urban Europe, 2016
Revisiting the Image of Limited Good: On Sustainability, Thermodynamics, and the Illusion of Creating Wealth.
Trawick, P., Hornborg, A.
Current Anthropology, Vol. 56, No. 1, p. 1-27, 2015
Can EEMRIO analyses establish the occurrence of ecologically unequal exchange?
Dorninger, C., Hornborg, A.
Ecological Economics, Vol. 119, p. 414-418, 2015
Ecological Economics, Marxism, and Technological Progress: Some Explorations of the Conceptual Foundations of Theories of Ecologically Unequal Exchange
Hornborg, A.
Ecological Economics, Vol. 105, p. 11-18, 2014
How can economic anthropologists contribute to a more just society?
Alf Hornborg
Economic Anthropology, Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 149-151. 2017
Redesigning Money to Curb Globalization: Can We Domesticate the Root of All Evil?
Alf Hornborg
The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress. Palgrave Macmillan, p. 291-307. 2017.
Resilience, Power and Money: Limitations and Prospects of Systems Ecology in Envisaging a Sustainable World Economy.
Alf Hornborg
Routledge Handbook of International Resilience, p. 147-158. 2017
Doktors- och licentiatavhandlingar
Making sense of sufficiency: entries, practices and politics Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Callmer, Å., doktorsavhandling, KTH, 2020.
Buildings in municipal climate change mitigation strategies: towards life cycle thinking Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Nicolas Francart, KTH, 2019.
Sharing the doughnut. Exploring sustainable and just futures
Eléonore Fauré, doktorsavhandling, KTH, 2018.
A sustainable home? Reconceptualizing home in a low-impact society Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Pernilla Hagbert, doktorsavhandling, Chalmers tekniska högskola, 2016.
Sustainability goals combining social and environmental aspects
Eléonore Fauré, licentiatavhandling, KTH, 2016.
Beyond GDP Growth: Scenarios for the Swedish energy demand and electricty supply system Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Torri, G. (2018)
A Fair Distribution of Global Biocapacity - The Potential in Swedish Environmental Policy
Vishal Parekh (2017)
Feminist Futures: Futures studies through the lens of feminist epistemologies
Jihyun An (2017)
Södertälje, a gateway to degrowth: A prospective design scenario to visualise the transition Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Prats, V. (2017)
Sustainability Assessment of Scenarios: Beyond GDP growth Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Ruiz-Alejos, C. (2017)
Searching för living place - Socio-spatial explorations for sustainability through collaborative residing
Jonathan Granberg och Hamlet Mirjamsdotter, Chalmers (2016)
Climate Implications of a Collaborative Economy Scenario for Transportation and the Built Environment
Nicolas Francart, KTH (2016)
Kan ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet kombineras?
David Pettersson, Linköpings universitet (2015)
Energy and climatescenarios within the doughnut?: Treatment of planetary boundaries, social foundations for human prosperity and economic growth in energy and climate scenarios
Adi Musabasics, KTH (2015)
The foundation upon which society is built? Socio-economic sustainability regarding jobs and income in municipal planning, now and beyond economic growth
Katarina Ringenson, KTH (2014)