Barr- och frukträd växer framför flerfamiljsbostäder i centrala Stockholm
  1. Start
  2. Our offer
  3. Our focus areas
  4. Sustainable urban planning

Sustainable building includes social, ecological and economic aspects

We shape a sustainable society with research and assignments in an ordinary environment. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute focuses on Climate-smart construction, a non-toxic indoor environment and sustainable mobility.

Over the past years, IVL's activities in sustainable building have grown significantly. We have developed cutting-edge expertise in various fields, including chemicals, waste, energy, and water, as well as in social science disciplines such as politics, economics, and policy instruments. Much of our investment in sustainable urban development and community building occurs at our Malmö office.

We collaborate with the construction and real estate sector and on behalf of municipalities and regions. As more people move to the cities, the importance of sustainable transport systems also increases; therefore, we have strengthened our expertise in mobility.

Ongoing research on sustainable urban planing

Services we offer in sustainable urban planing

The latest news in sustainable urban planning