Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre
Lack of fresh water is a growing problem in many parts of the world. At Sjöstadsverk Water Innovation Centre we develop techniques that will make it possible to reuse treated wastewater.
Sjöstadsverket is one of the world's leading testbed in water treatment technology. The facility, which is run by IVL Swedish Environmental Institute and KTH, is used in both national and international research projects and as a test and pilot facility for business and other parties.
Global needs in urban environments
An increasing proportion of the world's population is moving to the cities and already today more than half of all people live in urban environments. The challenge is to ensure that everyone has access to clean water, food, energy and transport. In addition, waste and wastewater must be disposed of in a sustainable manner.
Sewers provide clean water, energy and nutrients
In many countries access to clean water is limited, which is worsened by increasing climate change. We believe urban water problems needs to be solved progressively. Our goal at Sjöstadsverket is to produce energy from sludge while treating wastewater to potable water and returning nutrients into the ecosystem.
Solving the challenges related to water and wastewater will require a new and multidisciplinary thinking, where research and development are linked to demonstration sites and pilot trials, domestically as well as abroad.
Professional staff and expertise
At Sjöstadsverket water treatment experts are working 24/7 with technology development, sampling and analysis. The plant is suited for the testing of new technologies and innovative solutions for water treatment and environmental engineering. The facility is structured in a way that allows a flexible control and interaction with various water treatment and sludge handling processes.