1. Start
  2. Our offer
  3. Our focus areas
  4. Air
  5. Environmental monitoring
Mätstation uppe på Femmanhusets tak. Fredrik Hallgren och Karin Persson från IVL och Hung XXX från Göteborg stad.

Environmental monitoring and measurement

IVL's air measurement is based on environmental quality standards for outdoor air. We also measure diffuse sources such as quarries and sawmills. Both real-time and long-term measurement can be conducted. IVL has monitored certain pollutants for more than 50 years.

IVL measures outdoor air quality on behalf of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, local governments and air quality management associations, as well as businesses with direct emissions to the air, and operations with diffuse emissions such as mines and quarries.

We carry out both high-resolution, real-time measurement, and measurements with other time resolutions such as daily, weekly and monthly average values. Further, we have developed simple and robust measurement methods for air quality monitoring, such as our diffusion samplers.

Better air and less traffic noise in children's outdoor environment

Preschool children are often subject to both traffic noise and air pollution. At four preschool playgrounds in Gothenburg, air and noise measurement is underway; the aim is to learn how natural solutions like embankments, trees and vegetation-covered fences can improve the children's outdoor environment.

Examples of our environmental monitoring of air

Throughfall monitoring network measures pollutants in rain

Throughfall contains air pollution that has got stuck on leaves and needles, as well as substances bound in the precipitation. IVL's environmental monitoring programme SWETHRO measures the throughfall of pollution to the Swedish forest.

Read more about SWETHRO

Urban air quality network – collaboration with local governments

Since 1986, IVL has managed the Swedish Urban Air Quality Network together with local governments around the country. The aim is to offer local governments cost-efficient and coordinated mapping of the air quality in their urban areas, in order to meet the requirements of the Swedish Air Quality Ordinance.

Read more about the Urban Air Quality Network

Diffusion sampling and analysis

IVL provides diffusion samplers and analysis of several substances in the air. The samplers can be used both indoors and outdoors. IVL's diffusion samplers for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been used for measurement all over the world since 1989.

Read more about or order diffusion samplers