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  5. Centre for Dynamic Modelling
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Centre for Dynamic Modelling

Centre for Dynamic Modelling, CDM, develops and promotes methods for dynamic modelling of the air pollution impacts on ecosystems, including biodiversity and interactions of air pollution with climate change and land use.

Dynamic modelling involves modelling development over time, for example to provide a picture of how ecosystems and biodiversity can develop under different emission scenarios.

The Centre is part of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, CLRTAP, where the member states of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) works for improving air quality and reducing air pollution in the region.

CDM aims to build connections with groups working with dynamic modelling both within and outside the Convention and to help to coordinate the modelling efforts so that the model outcomes could be directly utilized within the work of the Convention.

CDM was established in 2020 as a new program centre within ICP Modeling and Mapping. It is hosted by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and funded by UNECE and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

For further information and the full list of CDM’s functions please visit the web site.

Project facts

  • Centre for Dynamic Modelling (CDM)
  • Partner: Working Group on Effects under UNECE LRTAP
  • Financier: UNECE, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Budget: SEK 900,000 annually